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30 years of Ecojustice
Photo of the Fraser River estuary by Charlotte Dawes with the Wilderness Commmittee



Tell Minister of Environment and Climate Change Jonathan Wilkinson to protect wild salmon and endangered orcas by not approving the T2 Project.

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As Canada’s largest environmental law charity, we lead the legal fight for a brighter future. Explore our blog to learn about how we use the power of the law to defend nature, combat climate change, and fight for a healthy environment for all.


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Doug Ford, Environmental assessment, Ontario

July 17,2020
Seven Ontario youth, represented by Ecojustice, are part of a youth-led climate lawsuit against the Ford government

Staying alive: 7 courageous young Ontarians appear in virtual hearing to fight for safe climate

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July 12,2020
Cathy Orlando and her daughter Sophia Mathur, one of seven youth leading a climate lawsuit in Ontario

#GenClimateAction: Why you’re never too young, too old, or too in-between to join the climate movement

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July 2,2020
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June 19,2020
Ontario youth climate case clients

Fighting to keep a landmark youth climate case alive

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June 16,2020
Fish Lake by Wolfgang Zilker via protectfishlake.ca

Supreme Court confirms death of “zombie” New Prosperity Mine project

New Prosperity Mine, Teztan Biny

May 14,2020
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